Labatt was hoping to establish relevance among it’s core demographics in the Great Lakes region, where lake culture is prominent. We set out to show consumers that Labatt not only understands, but is a part of lake life. Inspired by the idea that our always on, digitally driven reality hinders us from truly letting go, relaxing and having fun like we do at the lake. We tapped into real lakeisms with our Seize The Lake campaign and sought to convey that Labatt drinkers have a “you” but also a “lake you”. Depicting real, functional and responsible bill-payers who also know how to have fun.

Instagram, Facebook, Digital



Lake people can be downright genius when it comes to beer-drinking. 

We wanted to highlight that ingenuity and spread the love by sharing hilarious-but-useful hacks to enjoying Labatt at the lake.


Labatt brought two of our hacks to life and offered the can grip and apron for sale on their website!



Using stills we captured on set, we created a gamified social series.

We hid a bunch of teeny, tiny Labatt cans somewhere in the photo, then asked our audience to tell us how many they could find.

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Role: Concepted and led art direction on campaign. Worked closely with directors, editors, and set designers pre through post production and on set to ensure output was aligned with Labatt’s look and feel. Worked with stills photographer on set to capture content for social campaigns. Create, edited and animated “Lake Hacks” and “Locate the Labatt” series for social.