Burger King’s goal
in having an organic social presence is to increase their fandom and give people fresh reasons to prefer BK.
But we know when we try to be everything to everyone, we inadvertently appeal to no one. Through Instagram, TikTok and Twitter we’ve created content that borrows equity from our audience’s interests and passions and let’s them connect to and experience BK from a creator, customer and insider perspective.
Whether it’s friends surrounded in a booth recapping the night, a dad surprising his kids with a new paper crown, or a couple on their first date - every moment at Burger King is a story worth sharing. Seen at BK is a series we did capturing these moments, infusing some of our craveable favorites and bringing them to life for our followers to see, share, and take part in.
It’s hard to forget the chaos of 2012 when Chicken Fries left the BK menu. But ten years later and back on the menu, it seems people have forgotten these are the perfect snack or meal for any time of the day. As a hero product in their value 2 for 5$ menu, we were tasked with creating organic content that would elevate the product beyond a side and remind fans that Chicken Fries are a category of their own.
Every restaurant serves finger foods, but with Chicken Fries and the vast number of side offerings, Burger King is the only restaurant that serves Finger Meals. So we coined a completely new meal with the leading Finger Meal star— Chicken Fries.
For this series, we launched and promoted the newest meal innovation since man realized we could eat with our hands. We leveraged actual fingers and hands to promote the ease, portability and, of course, craveability of the Chicken Fries that can be eaten anytime/anywhere.
2 FOR 5$
To promote the 2 for $5 price point, we leveraged shadow hand artists to create works of art and animals with their hands - creating the illusion these shadow figures are about to eat some Chicken Fries.
Everyone has heard of “Fries Before Guys.” Especially our audience who’s nostalgic for 2014 Tumblr. But with Chicken Fries, we think it’s time we promote “Fries Before Fries” - the opportunity to consider and swap French Fries for Chicken Fries. Remember chain messages? That’s how we spread the news.
In order to awareness that the Whopper Melt is available through May 15th, 2022, we partnered with crafty content creators on TikTok to showcase the Whopper Melt in a creative way. We activated 1 influencer to create an illusion out of cake to surprise her viewers on what item is made of cake. Her followers were surprised by the reveal thinking the Whopper was made out of cake, when in fact it was the table offering the viewer dinner and dessert!
AS A RESULT, Burger King gained +16.7K new followers, Had over 92K views and 8.6K Engagements on tiktok.
We started a year-long activation that highlights the current horoscope each month through different content across Instagram, Twitter and TikTok .